Looking for Miniatures or tokens? You have come to the right place. Resin models and STL. file to meet every need.
Sci Fi
Grim Dark
Post Apocolyptic
And much much more!
Looking for Miniatures or tokens? You have come to the right place. Resin models and STL. file to meet every need.
Sci Fi
Grim Dark
Post Apocolyptic
And much much more!
Want tokens that wow your your opponents as well as give you easy to use tokens for your gaming needs? Then look no further! Not only do we supply a range of amazing tokens, but we can apply your images and text to them. Come and make your tokens totally unique with Strata Miniatures.
Want something printed to order? We offer a range of Printing services. Why not get in touch to see if we can help you with your printing project. Regardless of if you are a commercial enterprise looking for prototyping and masters or a hobby enthusiast looking for your next painting project, I'm sure we will have the solution for you.
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If you have any questions, and would like to contact us, we would be happy to help!
Loved by friends, but feared by enemies. The fighter is always first to combat and is the last to leave the field of battle. Anyone who stands in the fighters path is sure to regret it!
Knowledge and wisdom are the true path to enlightenment. With an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and a mind as sharp as a razor, the wizard can be the most valuable ally in any situation.
Confident, calm and collected. When the ranger notches a bow and takes aim there will can be one outcome. Just like the arrow a rangers mind is sharp and focussed, nothing will stand between them and their target.
When all seems lost and there is no hope, you hear the gentle humming followed by the gentle melody that begins to warm your very essence. It's at that point you know you are not alone and that the bard will always be at your side and never let you sink in to despair.